My name is Tracie, I am the Owner and manager of Tracie Investigations. I hold the Agency License and am licensed as a Private Investigator (PI) and PI Continuing Education Instructor. I hold a master’s degree in criminal justice from Tarleton State University and a master’s degree in psychology with a focus on behavior analysis from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. I am current student working on a Doctorate in Applied Clinical Psycholgy. Before I got into the business of helping clients through investigations, I served in the active-duty military and still currently serve as a Sergeant First Class in the U.S. Army Reserves. I am a military intelligence professional. My expertise is in signals intelligence (SIGINT) and I have specialized training as a Language Analyst and in Tradecraft, Radio Frequency Theory, and Advanced Marksmanship. I have one combat deployment and have been all over the world including, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Morocco and Kuwait. I truly loved serving on active duty and when I chose to leave, I had trouble finding my place as a civilian. This is common for many military personnel who choose to leave the service for one reason or another.
How it all began
If you're wondering why, hire a spy.
It wasn’t until I met Clifford Ginn, a seasoned PI, by happenstance. In 2015, he took me under his wing, and I became a licensed Private Investigator. That year I worked one of my first emergency cases. A young woman, who was in an abusive and controlling relationship (and her baby), needed help. Cliff had told her (our client), the day before to hide a getaway bag somewhere in the house. That day somehow her abuser had found out she was leaving. He left work and was at the house holding her captive. The police had been called but for some reason, the police were under some sort of spell from the abuser. The police were talking with the abuser as though they were friends. Cliff handed the abuser a restraining order which had been signed by the judge that day. We prepared to leave with our client and her child, but the police wouldn’t have it. Despite having been served a restraining order, he demanded to have the child. The police on scene were going to FORCE HER to give him her child! My mind was boggled. Cliff stayed strong and offered moral support to the client reminding her that this was not an order she should comply with and that she must NOT give her child to her abuser. After several hours on scene we were able to reason with the police and finally we escorted our client and her child to safety. This is when I felt, in my soul, that I had found my calling.

Why choose us?
As I listened to client needs throughout the years and advised other detectives, I noticed three common issues. 1) Clients often need more than one service in order to have the most complete and informative investigation. 2) Many Private Investigators are ill equipped to handle every aspect of a case due to: - working solo or part-time - being inexperience or untrained - operating on obsolete tactics from 30 years ago 3) Private Investigators who do have a niche expertise don’t cater to other aspects of the client’s needs, don’t offer payment options and are usually overpriced or best used for court testimony only. This is what sets us apart from other Investigations Firms. Here at Tracie Investigations, we have licensed subject matter experts so that every portion of the case is handled appropriately. Whether you need a scent dog or handler, a cyber expert, interview agent or surveillance detective, we have individuals who specialize in those areas. My mission is to offer investigations that utilize the client’s retainer in a way that yields relevant information the fastest; no going down aimless rabbit-holes here! I understand that most clients have never wanted to or had the need to hire a private detective and I want you to know that myself and our team is here to guide you through every step of the way.